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What to Know About Hit and Run Accidents In Missouri

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Like all states, Missouri law requires anyone involved in a traffic accident with over $1,000 in property damage and/or injuries to remain at the scene and divulge their contact and insurance information to law enforcement. Under Missouri §577.060.  Leaving the scene of an accident is a hit-and-run offense which is a misdemeanor crime for accidents with property damage alone, or a felony if there are injuries or fatalities. Despite the strict laws in most states, nearly four million hit-and-run accidents occurred in the United States in a recent four-year period under review in a traffic study.

understanding hit and run accidents in missouri

Why Do Some Drivers Flee the Scene of an Accident?

Most car accidents result from driver error, including careless, negligent, or reckless actions. Sometimes, the fear and adrenaline alone cause panic to set in. A driver who knows they caused a serious accident sometimes leaves the scene. In these cases, they may later report the accident to law enforcement or turn themselves in once the adrenaline recedes. Unfortunately, more common reasons drivers flee the scene include the following:

  • They are intoxicated and fear a DUI and criminal charges
  • They have no valid license and/or car insurance
  • They have an outstanding warrant
  • They are in the country illegally and fear deportation

Leaving the scene of an accident is more than just a bad idea, it’s a crime. For some drivers, fleeing the scene makes them appear at fault for an accident even if they were not the cause. In the majority of cases; however, a driver who leaves the scene of an accident does so because they caused the accident and fear the repercussions.

What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Missouri

After any serious car accident, injury victims may be too injured or in shock to do anything other than wait in place for help to arrive. However, using a phone right from your location or handing it to an uninjured person to use for you, can help you document evidence in only a few seconds. First, use the cell phone camera to snap photos of the car and driver leaving the scene if possible. Then, do the following:

  • Call 911 to report the accident. Tell the dispatcher that it was a hit-and-run and describe the vehicle that hit you and the direction it headed
  • Take photos of the accident scene while you wait, including anything relevant to the cause of the accident like a traffic light, skid marks, and the damage to your vehicle
  • If there are any eyewitnesses to the accident nearby, add their contact information to your phone
  • Record a statement of what you remember about the accident, including a description of the vehicle, driver, and events leading up to the accident
  • Go to the hospital and have a complete medical examination as well as treatment for any emergency injuries to ensure you have documentation of every injury
  • Ask for a detailed medical report

Always call your insurance company to report a car accident. After a hit-and-run accident, be sure to tell your insurance company that the at-fault driver fled the scene. Finally, call a St. Louis car accident lawyer for representation.

How Do I Recover Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

Missouri is a fault-based insurance state, requiring accident victims to file claims against at-fault drivers to recover compensation from the driver’s auto liability insurance. Missouri also requires drivers to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. When a driver flees the scene after an accident, you can file a claim against your insurance under the uninsured motorist policy to cover compensation for damages like property damage, medical expenses, and lost wages.

If law enforcement identifies and apprehends the hit-and-run driver, you may be able to recover your damages under their insurance if they are insured. Some hit-and-run accident victims file lawsuits against a hit-and-run driver, but this is only worthwhile if the driver has significant assets.

How Can a Missouri Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer Help?

All car accident claims are complex, and insurance adjusters often dispute claims, particularly after a hit-and-run. Call the personal injury attorneys at The Floyd Law Firm, P.C. so we can investigate all aspects of the accident and examine the insurance options available to pursue the best path for your recovery.