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Missouri Sunset

Slips and falls can be dangerous on the job

Posted June 20, 2018
Workers in Missouri can face a range of workplace safety hazards on the job, even in unexpected places. While workers in industries like construction may be very aware of the threat of workplace accidents, office employees or others with less physical jobs may be unaware of the risks they also face on the job....
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How new tech from software startup can keep workers safe

Posted May 21, 2018
Worldwide, more than 1,000 people die every day in workplace accidents, which is why it’s so important to assess and prevent as many risks in the workplace as possible. Employers and safety managers in Missouri now have new technology they can depend on for this purpose. Based in Des Moines and specializing in SaaS,...
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Improving worker safety: five tips for employers

Posted May 9, 2018
Improving worker safety in Missouri starts with one employer at a time. Unfortunately, many employers become distracted by tight deadlines and the fast pace of their work environments, paying little attention to safety guidelines. Not only will this make workers more vulnerable to injuries, but it will also lower their morale as they realize...
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Organization says proactive measures improve construction safety

Posted April 23, 2018
Construction workers in Missouri and nationwide face hazardous job conditions each day. However, a new report by the Associated Builders and Contractors, or ABC, says that following the organization’s safety program can help construction companies become up to 670 percent safer than companies that don’t follow the program. ABC’s program is called the Safety...
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