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Missouri Sunset

What to Do If Another Driver Has Road Rage

Posted April 5, 2024
Today’s busy lives and populated metro areas lead to congested traffic conditions and aggressive driving behaviors. Even in rural areas with less traffic, some drivers exhibit aggression toward other drivers, especially if they feel they’ve been “wronged” through another driver’s error, carelessness, or aggressive actions such as cutting them off in traffic. When a...
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When Should You Hire a St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer?

Posted April 2, 2024
No one starts an ordinary day expecting to end it in an emergency room or hospital bed, but unexpected injuries can occur at any time. When you suffer a preventable injury that only happened due to an individual or business entity’s negligence, it’s even more distressing knowing your pain and suffering could have been...
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What to Know About Herniated Discs From Car Accidents

Posted March 29, 2024
Over five million car accidents occur annually in the United States resulting in an average of two million injuries and around 30,000 deaths. Back and neck injuries are the most commonly experienced car accident injuries. Trauma to this area occurs from sheer crash force in a car accident which exerts tremendous pressure on the...
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What Are Missouri’s Right-of-Way Laws?

Posted March 3, 2024
Close to half of all traffic accidents occur in intersections, including in Missouri. Although some intersection accidents happen in guided intersections with traffic signals, far more accidents occur at unguided intersections such as four-way stops. Many drivers in Missouri either fail to learn the right-of-way laws, forget them, or blatantly disregard the rules. If...
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What is a “No Contact” Motorcycle Accident?

Posted January 22, 2024
Motorcycle enthusiasts in Missouri love a ride in the open air on scenic routes on a weekend, or for gas-saving daily transportation. Sadly, the same unenclosed design that makes riding an exhilarating experience also leaves motorcyclists at high risk of severe injuries in an accident. Motorcycle riders make up a significant percentage of overall...
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How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in Missouri?

Posted January 13, 2024
When a Missouri resident suffers serious injuries due to another party’s carelessness, reckless behavior, or intentional wrongdoing, the civil courts allow them to seek compensation for their damages. In an injury claim, the word “damages” refers to both the economic and non-economic consequences of the injury. While it’s easy to see how a personal...
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