How do distractions lead to serious accidents on highways?
While driving alongside a truck or another vehicle on a busy highway, you may feel particularly at risk for an accident.Taking into consideration how risky distractions are and why they happen can help you if you are suffering after a crash.Eyes and ears of the surrounding trafficAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and...
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Can you receive compensation for an injury that occurs on break?
You are likely aware of your rights to workers’ compensation as part of the benefits package provided by your employer. If you sustain an injury during one of your break periods, however, it might not be clear if you are eligible to claim compensation after the incident.It stands to reason that an injury must...
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Injuries that commonly occur on construction sites
Construction sites are dangerous places, and some injuries are more common than others.If your injury occurred on a construction site, you are not alone.FallsThe CDC reports that falls are the number one cause of death and injury at construction sites. Falling to a lower level accounted for one-third of construction-related deaths in 2019. Those...
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Learn about repetitive stress injuries
When you work regular hours at a job that is physically demanding, you are at risk for injuries. Depending on the type of work you do, the kinds of injuries that you are at risk for can vary.Not all injuries are due to one single accident. Some can occur over time and may get...
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Returning to work too soon after a workplace injury
Many work-related injuries require significant time to heal correctly and thoroughly. However, If you sustain a qualifying injury while performing your job, Missouri’s workers’ compensation benefits can help you pay your bills until you can return to work.Unfortunately, returning to work too soon can lead to physical and financial complications.Why do injured workers return...
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What are the most common sources of nursing injuries?
When it comes to the healthcare system, nurses are essential. They work tirelessly to track the healing process and provide patients with comfort.Long hours and stressful demands leave caretakers vulnerable. When a physical injury does occur, workers’ compensation benefits are there to help. Despite this safety net, it is better to avoid trauma altogether....
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