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Missouri Sunset

The link between road construction and car wrecks

Posted December 5, 2019
These days, road construction is virtually unavoidable, but that does not make encountering it any less annoying or dangerous. As long as communities continue to grow and the number of cars on their roadways grow alongside them, the need for new infrastructure to accommodate them will remain. However, an increased presence of road construction...
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Workers’ comp for repetitive stress injuries

Posted September 12, 2019
While many workplace injuries are due to accidents, certain injuries occur over time. Repetitive stress injuries fall within the latter category.Just like other injuries that occur on the job, it is possible to seek compensation for the work injury. To seek workers’ comp successfully in those situations, it is important to understand a few key...
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Welcome To Our Blog

Posted August 9, 2019
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for updates. 
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Lifting patients a common cause of injury in health care

Posted June 7, 2019
When you make your living in health care, you face numerous on-the-job hazards that have the potential to threaten your overall health. While some of the risks you face are illness-related, others involve specific injuries, and some of the most substantial injury risks you face working in health care involve lifting heavy patients.According to...
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Prolonged full body vibration may cause injury

Posted March 25, 2019
Missouri residents may be interested in knowing what a study found about the effect of farm machinery on the health of the workers who use them. The study showed that within two hours of operation, 30 percent of the tested equipment reached what the European Union refers to as “action level,” signifying a risk...
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Construction workers at high risk for elevator accidents

Posted March 13, 2019
If you work construction in Missouri, you likely work at many job sites where the elevator has yet to be fully installed and working. If the building in which you are working contains multiple stories, this leaves you at high risk for sustaining an elevator-related injury or even dying in an elevator accident. Per the...
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